

Web 3.0 and Metaverse are projected to be the next pillar concepts of our society. The distinctions between these concepts and their legacy-counterparts require a set of new economy primitives to ensure their proper functioning. For the sake of exposition, we refer to these as the neo-economy. Notable instances of the constituents of the neo-economy include DeFi services, such as Decentralised Exchange, Automated Market Makers, Yield Farming, Staking and Loaning, etc.

The core powerhouse of all the aforementioned services is liquidity. Any economy is only as strong as its underlying liquidity is. The current state-of-affair of crypto-assets related liquidity leaves a lot to be desired. In view of this, WHALE is working on an open liquidity framework.

OnChain Extractable Value

The craze of DeFi boom may have been over, but valuable observation made from such a frenzy remains extremely useful. Among them is the so-called frontrunning. The frontrunner will copy the potentially profitable transaction, replace addresses with the frontrunner's address before submitting the modified transaction with the replaced address with a higher gas fee, "frontrunning" the original transaction and getting the profit for the frontrunner.

WHALE builds proprietary algorithms to enable our bots to scan across the various blockchain platforms, consolidate profitable transactions, and front-run them to extract value.

Work Process

FlashLoan Pooling

Flash loans allow DeFi traders to borrow unsecured loans from lenders without intermediaries, or even any collateral. This instrument has gained tremendous popularity as it gives its users the ability to arbitrage and trade in ways that were not possible before.

WHALE does not try to build full-fledged Flash Loan platforms, but rather pooling capital in major ones so as to gain optimal yield on the deployed principal. While the profit of each individual loan is not sizable, compounding the large amounts of them over time across multiple platforms gave a rather sizable ROI.

Stake Whale

Stake Whale



upto 300%

Total Stake



Stake Whale



upto 418.76%

Total Stake



Whale Presence

Safe & Secure


The dominant blockchain platform with the most TVL and DApps in the crypto space. WHALE is primarily built to interact with top DeFi services such as MKR, UNI, AAVE, LDO and CRV.   

Safe & Secure

Binance Smart Chain

Provides a full-fledged environment for developing high-performance DApps. It was built for cross-chain compatibility with Binance Chain to ensure that users get the best of both worlds, WHALE included.

Safe & Secure


Improves scalability without compromising speed or decentralization. Three blockchains make up its core platform: the Exchange Chain (X-Chain), Contract Chain (C-Chain), and Platform Chain (P-Chain).

Safe & Secure


Aims to bring the multi-chain future closer to reality by offering a framework for creating scaling solutions compatible with Ethereum. Their sidechain is approved by even the Bitcoin community.

Safe & Secure


A blockchain network focused on fast transactions and high throughput. It uses a unique method of ordering transactions to improve its speed. The expansion of DeFi services on Solana has been impressive.

Safe & Secure


A layer-1 blockchain that uses Nightshade, a unique sharding technology, to achieve scalability. It also offers cross-chain interoperability through the Rainbow Bridge and a layer-2 solution called Aurora.



Whale is fully decentralized and community governed. Whale token holders who staked their token for an extended period of time will be given voting power so as they may participate in the protocol governance.

Token BuyBack

It is also worth noting that a portion of proceedings from Whale’s proprietary OnChain Extractable Value and FlashLoan Pooling activities will be used to buy back Whale on open markets.

Total Suply

Key Milestone

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